What is an Active User?


An active user is anyone who triggers a build to run on CircleCI. The following count as an individual user:

  1. Commits from registered and unregistered users that trigger builds, including PR merges, and Dependabot.
  2. Re-running jobs in the CircleCI web application, including SSH debug.
  3. Approving manual jobs (approver will be considered the actor of all downstream jobs).
  4. Scheduling Jobs with Workflows 
  5. Machine users

If you have read permissions for your organization's repository on GitHub or Bitbucket, you will be able to view builds triggered on CircleCI. Viewing these builds will not count toward a user seat. However, if you trigger a build to run on CircleCI before registering, you will be considered an unregistered user.

Viewing Active Users

You can view your Active Users per billing period under the Users tab  (https://app.circleci.com/settings/plan/<vcs>/<org name>/usage), be sure you are viewing the desired billing cycle at the top right of the page, i.e. Jul 15-Aug 14.

View Available Seats

You can view your available seats here (https://app.circleci.com/settings/plan/<vcs>/<org name>/overview).

Blocked due to No Seats error

If you receive the error:

"This job has been blocked because no user seats are available on your plan. Please purchase more user seats to continue building." 

Please reach out via the Support Center

How can I Remove Users?

You cannot remove Active Users from occupied seats in the current billing cycle, but they will drop off of the next month’s billing cycle if they are not active. There is no way to manually remove users from seats at this time. 

Submitting an account removal request will not remove the user from the list of Active Users. The seat will remain occupied by an Unknown User until the end of the billing cycle.

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