Accessing Billing Statements

Prerequisites (Performance Plan)

Customers must be on a monthly plan—either a Performance Plan or a Prepaid. Annual customers, please reach out to your technical success team if you need assistance with this.

Invoices/Statements can only be viewed by an organization's admin. To help identify your organization's admins, please reference the articles below:

Where are my billing statements? 

From the CircleCI Dashboard, navigate to the Billing tab to view your statements. 

Please note that only users on a performance plan can access the billing tab. Those on a custom performance plan will not be able to view the billing tab in the UI. 

Where can I find a credit refill receipt?

Credit refill transactions will be displayed on your statement. Since refills occur mid-billing cycle, they will not be viewable until your statement is finalized. The statement will be finalized on your statement subscription renewal date. Your statement will run from the same periods each month. For example, 2/4/2023-3/4/2023 and the following one would run 3/4/2023-4/4/2023.  You can find your billing period in your statement. 


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My account was downgraded to free, where do I retrieve my statements?

Once an account is cancelled or downgraded, statements will not be available within the UI. 



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