Troubleshooting the "Error adding identity" error


The "We encountered a problem - Error adding identity ... The identity provided by your VCS service is already associated with a different account. Please try logging in using that account or contact us for further help." error typically occurs when the VCS account you are trying to connect has previously been authorized with CircleCI.


Why Does This Happen?

This error usually occurs when you have tried signing up through the GitHub or BitBucket account authorization option in the past, and then try to link that same GitHub/Bitbucket user to an account that was signed up via email.

Another reason could be that your VCS account you are trying to link is already linked to another email authentication account.


You may have an existing account that was created with OAuth in the past. Please follow the steps in the following guide to disconnect your VCS account on the user settings page of any account you may have signed up with in the past.

After disconnecting, you can re-connect your chosen VCS as need be.


PLEASE NOTE: Disconnecting a user might clear any user keys that have been generated for any of your projects with this user, so you will potentially need to regenerate these once the user is reconnected.

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