How to Find "hold" Step Approver in a Workflow?

How to find the user who approved a workflow

You can use the following endpoints and examples to find the user who approved a hold step.


Please follow the below steps:

1. Get the analytics-id of the approver by using Get a workflow's jobs API endpoint. Below is an example.

curl -X GET{id}/job -u $CIRCLECI_TOKEN

Sample output:

"name" : "hold",
"project_slug" : "gh/<org>/<project>",
"approved_by" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"type" : "approval",
"status" : "success",

In the above output, approved_by will contain the analytics-id of the user.

2. Now see the user information with analytics-id using User Information endpoint.

curl -X GET{id} -u $CIRCLECI_TOKEN

Sample output:

"name" : "User Name",
"login" : "login_info",
"id" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"

Note: $CIRCLECI_TOKEN is a variable for a personal API token.

You can use the above API endpoints in your script and get the desired information. Happy building!

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