Which CircleCI Resources are made Available to Users on the Free Plan?


While the offerings differ based on the specific plan you choose, the Free Plan is quite comprehensive and includes several powerful features and resources. This guide will outline what resources are available to users in the Free Plan getting started with their CI/CD journey.

CircleCI Free Plan Resources and Features

Builds on Linux, Windows and macOS

The Free Plan supports your CI/CD pipelines that run on different operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. This gives you the flexibility to work across different environments.

CircleCI Cloud

Access CircleCI's cloud offering, allowing you to delegate the management of build infrastructure while focusing on writing and shipping your code.

Resource Classes

Resource classes allow you to configure your jobs to run with more or less CPU or RAM. The Free Plan includes the use of several resource classes. To learn more about what these resource types offer, please refer to the link below:

Additonal Note

Keep in mind that usage is metered as usage credits, and there's a certain allocation of free credits each week. Additional usage packets can also be purchased.

For more information and detailed specifications of the Free Plan, visit CircleCI's Pricing Page.


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