How to use imagePullSecrets on Container Runner


In some cases, you may wish to specify your secrets to pull a private image inside your Container Runner instead of your config.yml in CircleCI. 

To do so, please follow the instructions below. 


Google Container Registry / Google Artifact Registry

Step 1 - Create your access credentials per the Google Cloud documentation

You will need to verify that your access credentials include the correct permissions to pull and/or push your image.


Step 2 - Create a Secret in your Container Runner's Namespace

Google Container Registry:

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ SECRET_NAME=<secret_name>
$ EMAIL=<valid@email_address>
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE \ \
--docker-username=_json_key \
--docker-password="$(cat ~/json-key-file.json)" \


Google Artifact Registry

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ SECRET_NAME=<secret_name>
$ REGION=<region>
$ EMAIL=<valid@email_address>
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE \
--docker-server=$ \
--docker-username=_json_key \
--docker-password="$(cat ~/json-key-file.json)" \

In both examples, the json-key-file.json is the key you have downloaded from creating your access credentials.


Step 3 - Update your imagePullSecrets in your values.yaml

# values.yaml
token: <token>
- name: "<secret_name>"


Step 4 - Update your Container Runner Deployment

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ VALUES_FILE=<values_file>
$ helm upgrade container-agent container-agent/container-agent -n $NAMESPACE -f $VALUES_FILE


AWS Elastic Container Registry

Step 1 - Confirm you have run aws configure.

This will need to be run for aws ecr get-login-password to properly function.

Please take note of the user and the permissions that this user has.


Step 2 - Create a Secret in your Container Runner's Namespace

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ SECRET_NAME=<secret_name>
$ AWS_ACCOUNT=<aws_account_id>
$ AWS_REGION=<aws_region>
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE \
--docker-server=${AWS_ACCOUNT}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION} \
--docker-username=AWS \
--docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password)


Step 3 - Update your imagePullSecrets in your values.yaml

# values.yaml
token: <token>
- name: "<secret_name>"


Step 4 - Update your Container Runner Deployment

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ VALUES_FILE=<values_file>
$ helm upgrade container-agent container-agent/container-agent -n $NAMESPACE -f $VALUES_FILE


Docker Hub

Step 1 (optional) - Create your Personal Access Token

You can use a Personal Access Token in place of your Docker Hub password.
To create one, please follow the instructions from Docker here.


Step 2 - Create a Secret in your Container Runner's Namespace

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ SECRET_NAME=<secret_name>
$ EMAIL=<valid@email_address>
$ DOCKERHUB_USER=<Docker Hub username>
$ DOCKERHUB_PASS=<Docker Hub access token or password>
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE \ \
--docker-username="${DOCKERHUB_USER}" \
--docker-password="${DOCKERHUB_PASS}" \


Step 3 - Update your imagePullSecrets in your values.yaml

# values.yaml
token: <token>
- name: "<secret_name>"


Step 4 - Update your Container Runner Deployment

$ NAMESPACE=<namespace>
$ VALUES_FILE=<values_file>
$ helm upgrade container-agent container-agent/container-agent -n $NAMESPACE -f $VALUES_FILE


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