Fixing apt / apt-get Release file does not exist issues

When using older legacy CircleCI images you might encounter errors when using apt. This can usually be resolved by using an equivalent CircleCI Convenience Image in the cimg namespace.

Understanding the Issue

Legacy CircleCI images in the Docker Hub circleci namespace are no longer maintained. When using apt on these images, you might encounter an error that looks like this:

The repository ' stretch-updates Release' does no longer have a Release file.

This is because the apt repository is outdated.

Resolving the Issue

To resolve this issue, you can use an equivalent CircleCI Convenience Image in the cimg namespace. For example, if you were previously using circleci/node:12.22.7, you would now use cimg/node:12.22.7.

Additional Resources:

For more information on CircleCI Convenience Images, refer to the following resources:

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