You do not need to be a registered user on our Support Portal in order to submit a ticket. A registered user will, however, allow you to log in to the Portal and view the status of your request(s), add comments or mark your ticket as solved.
You can log in to the Support Portal by clicking on "Sign in" in the top right corner on the CircleCI Support page.
If you forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking on "Forgot password?". You will receive a password reset email on your registered email.
Once you logged in, your avatar will appear in the top right corner. You can click on the avatar and select "My Activities" to view your submitted ticket(s).
New to the Support Portal?
You can register your user before submitting a ticket by clicking on "Sign in" on the Support page and selecting "New to CircleCI? Sign up" in the bottom left corner of the page.
Already submitted a ticket?
If you have already submitted a support request but do not have a registered user yet, you can still register your user. In order to do this, please click on "Sign in" on the Support page and select the "Emailed us for support? Get a password" option in the bottom left corner.
For our system to be able to link your user to your submitted ticket(s), please make sure to enter the same email address that you used to create the ticket. Our system will send you an email to this address with the instructions to set up your password. You will be able to log in to the Support Portal with the provided email address and this password.
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