Creating HAR files for troubleshooting with Support

Troubleshooting UI / permission issues can prove difficult when Support don't see the same behavior that you observe. An HTTP Archive (HAR) can often help here.

A HAR file is a JSON log of the web browser's HTTP interaction with a site. This can often expose errors that aren't otherwise displayed in the UI, or timescales that can demonstrate performance issues.

You can then attach and send the HAR file in your email to Support.

Here are some instructions on how to create a HAR file for:

  • Chrome / Chromium based browsers
  • Firefox
  • Safari

To create a HAR file in Chrome / Chromium based browsers:

  1. Navigate to the page you wish to record
  2. Navigate to menu (☰) > More Tools > Developer Tools
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Check the Preserve Log checkbox
  5. Click the Stop Recording (⚫) button to stop logging
  6. Click the Clear (🚫) button to clear the current log
  7. Click the Record (⚫) button to start recording
  8. Refresh the page or perform the task to record the events
  9. Click the Export HAR (↓) button to download and save the HAR file
  10. Follow instruction on Removal of User Information

To create a HAR file in Firefox:

  1. Navigate to the menu (☰) > More Tools > Web Developer Tools
  2. Select the Network tab
  3. Click the Network Settings (⚙) button > Persist Logs
  4. The tool automatically starts recording
  5. Refresh the page or perform the task to record the events
  6. Click the Network Settings (⚙) button > Save All As HAR
  7. Follow instruction on Removal of User Information

To create a HAR file in Safari:

  1. Enable the Developer menu:
    • Click on Safari menu > Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar
  2. Select Develop (menu) > Show Web Inspector > Menu (tab)
  3. Check the Preserve Log checkbox
  4. Refresh the page or perform the task to record the events
  5. Click Export to download and save the HAR file
  6. Follow instruction on Removal of User Information

Removal of User Information

HAR files can contain sensitive user information and we recommend user to delete those before sending it to support. 

Cloudflare provide a cloud-based tool to remove sensitive information from a HAR file:

If you prefer, you can use the following steps to remove them manually.

Automated Removal of User Information Using jq

If you have jq installed on your computer, you can use it to automatically remove user information from the HAR file. Run the following command:

jq '
(.. | objects | select(has("name") and (.name == "ring-session" or .name == "Set-Cookie" or .name == "Cookie"))) |= del(.value)
' path_to_your_file.har > new_file.har

Replace path_to_your_file.har with the path to your HAR file. This command will create a new HAR file named new_file.har with the user information removed.

Manual Removal of User Information

If you don't have jq installed, you can manually remove the user information from the HAR file:

  1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
  2. Search for "ring-session""Set-Cookie", and "Cookie".
  3. For each instance, find the associated value field and delete its content. Be careful not to delete the entire object or any surrounding syntax.
  4. Save the HAR file.
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