Different Cache Key (arch) within Parallel Runs in the same Job


Variations like arch1-linux-amd64-6_106 and arch1-linux-amd64-6_85 in cache key indicates different CPU. The {{ arch }} template in the cache key dynamically reflects the machine's architecture, CPU family, and CPU model. 


CircleCI primarily utilizes EC2 instances with Intel (Family 6, Model 85) for Docker jobs. However, due to providers capacity constraints, jobs may run on other instance types, such as those with Intel (Family 6, Model 106). This can lead to different arch values in cache keys for the same job.

This strategy helps prevent job delays or failures due to capacity constraints, but it can lead to cache key variations. To mitigate this, consider the following:

  • Be aware that cache keys may vary if jobs run on different instance types.
  • If consistent cache keys are crucial, consider adjusting your cache key strategy to account for potential architecture variations. Like not using arch in cache key.

  • Review your caching strategy to accommodate potential variations in architecture.

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