How to Handle Task Agent Termination in CircleCI

How to Handle Task Agent Termination in CircleCI

In certain scenarios, you may find that your task agent isn't exiting as expected after a TERM signal. This can happen when the service is terminated, and there is no handler to manage the task agent's exit. In such cases, the machine runner will manually send a KILL signal to the task agent.

Identifying the Issue

The first step to troubleshoot this issue is to check the logs from the runner. You should look for a message similar to "Runner received kill signal". Here's how to get the logs:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Run the following command: journalctl -u circleci.

For more information on verifying if the service is running, you can refer to the CircleCI documentation here.


  1. Open your Systemd service file.
  2. Add KillMode=process under the [Service] section. Your file should look something like this:

After making this change, try running your service again and check if the task agent exits as expected after the TERM signal.


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