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iPhone Mini on Xcode 13
If you upgrade to Xcode 13 and use iPhone mini as a test device, you may encounter an error similar to:
The test runner encountered an error (Failed to establish communication with the test runner.If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/XXX.xcresult. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (DTXProxyChannel error 1.)))
Apple released a fix with Xcode 13.2 for this issue, and to resolve it you can change your config on CircleCI to the following: xcode: "13.2.0"
Please refer to the Xcode release notes for more details:
Resolved an issue that prevents iPhone mini simulators from launching in Virtual Machines that don’t support Metal pass-through. (83663966) (FB9663296)
Additional Resources
Information regarding the CircleCI Xcode 13.2 Beta 1 Release can be found here:
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