Code Signing with WWDR Intermediate Certificate
NOTE: Some users are experiencing a Could not install WWDR certificate
error when using Fastlane 2.211.0. The issue can be tracked on Fastlane's GitHub issue. We recommend reverting to the last-known-good Fastlane version that worked for you until we have more information.
Signing for iOS apps may start failing from 2 September 2020 due to code-signing requiring the new, updated WWDR Intermediate Certificate. Many of the Xcode images that CircleCI provides were created before the new certificate was issued and as such require the certificate to be installed during the job. More information about the WWDR Intermediate Certificate expiration can be found on Apple's developer support website
In most cases, Fastlane and Xcode will install this new certificate automatically. Please ensure you are running the latest version of Fastlane in your job by installing any updates via your Gemfile with Bundler.
Additional Solution
If you do face issues, even with the latest Fastlane version installed in the job VM, you can add this manually by adding the following commands to your job config:
- run: curl -o AppleWWDRCAG3.cer
- run: sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain AppleWWDRCAG3.cer
NOTE: The above workaround is only applicable to Xcode 12.4 images and lower
If you are using Xcode 12.5 or higher and are still facing this issue after updating Fastlane, please submit a support ticket linking us to the relevant builds for investigation.
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