If you want to see the complete list of the users on your CircleCI server installation, you can leverage the below API to query these details which include:
- Username
- VCS Login ID
- Suspended User Flag
- Creation Timestamp
- Admin Permissions that are scoped
- Total Sign-in count
- CircleCI Server
- Must be a Server admin to run this endpoint
Use the following endpoint with your CircleCI instance URL to query:
Note: Do not include the app.* prefix in the endpoint
To further filter these results to isolate the usernames and names, this can be done using jq
curl -H "Circle-Token: <admin-personal-api-token>" -s 'https://$CIRCLE_HOSTNAME/api/v1/admin/users' | jq '.[] | select(.suspended == false) | {name: .name, login: .login}'
It will show the user name, VCS login ID, suspended user flag, and a few other details as shown below:
Additional Notes:
- This is for Server Only and is not available on the cloud product
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