How Do I Delete a User on My Server Installation?

If you're experiencing synchronization issues with GitHub or need to completely remove a user from your CircleCI server installation, this guide provides the necessary steps. This process involves executing a REPL command to delete the user by their GitHub username.



Execute the REPL Command: Use the following command to delete the user by their GitHub username. Replace "github-username-of-user" with the actual GitHub username of the user you wish to delete.

kubectl exec -it "$(kubectl get po -l app=frontend -n circleci-server -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -n circleci-server -- lein repl :connect 6005 <<<'(circle.http.api.admin-commands.user/delete-by-login-identity-type! "github-username-of-user" :github)'

Additional Resources

[Server] Applying Temporary Patches to CircleCI Service Using nREPL

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