No matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries

Docker Images

In the "Spin up Environment" step, or elsewhere when pulling a Docker image from a repository, you may run into an error similar to the following: 

Step 1/26 : FROM <IMAGE>
latest: Pulling from library/<IMAGE>
no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries
Exited with code 1

There are three possible reasons for this error.

  1. Error When Using "Latest" Tag
    While images are rebuilding on Dockerhub, the "latest" tag will become momentarily unavailable while updating. This issue will resolve itself or can be mitigated by selecting a versioned tag.
  2. The Tag Is Not Available
    A tag that used to be available may no longer be listed or have had it's naming convention modified. A tag may have been "Version8.0" previously and became "Version8.0.0" recently.
  3. Image Is Not Designed For x86, Such As ARM
    The image you are trying to build may be designed to run on a different architecture, such as an ARM-based CPU. If you need to use an Arm image, consider using an Arm resource class.


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