Transferring and Renaming Namespaces


This article provides an insight into the effective management of namespaces, particularly focusing on transferring the ownership and renaming procedures. 

These namespaces are shared for both self-hosted runner resource classes as well as any Orbs.


  • To request a namespace rename or transfer, your team will need to reach out to the support team at CircleCI
  • Only Organization Admins may request this

Renaming a Namespace

Renaming a namespace helps better align it with the organizational context or operational changes, such as organization acquisition, rebranding, and other requirements where organizations may want to rename their namespace.

  1. Initiate a Rename Request: This starts when the namespace owner sends a request to rename the namespace using a support ticket.

  2. Admin Approval: The organization administrator must be copied to approve this request or be the one to submit the request. 

  3. Implementing the Change: Upon approval, the name change will be implemented. Do remember that renaming a namespace might affect codes or configurations that are dependent on the former name, so always perform checks to avoid errors.

Transferring Namespace Ownership

Transferring the ownership of a namespace revolves around passing the control from one organization to another. This is can be requested if a user accidentally claimed a namespace on a personal account/organization which their company wishes to use, or if the organization is migrating to another VCS provider.

  1. Request Ownership Transfer: The current owner and admin of the namespace should initiate a request for an ownership transfer by contacting CircleCI support 

  2. Approval by the Organization Admins: The organization admin must grant their approval for the transfer for both organizations on the support request.

  3. Complete the Ownership Transfer: Once the admin approves the request, we will transfer the namespace over to the desired organization.

Additional Notes:

  • We can only rename/transfer to a unique namespace which has not been claimed by another organization
  • Organizations can only claim one namespace. We are unable to grant additional namespaces to an organization.
  • After transferring a namespace, any self-hosted runner resource classes will need to be recreated

Additional Resources


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