Get started running your jobs in build environments supported by CircleCI.


Engineering teams often need to develop using multiple technology stacks that include Docker, Linux, Android, macOS, and Windows. In this course, you can select the lesson(s) and/or resource most applicable to your build environment to help you get started running your jobs. We will be adding lessons to this course over time.  

Training Videos

Some of the lessons in this course are in easy to follow e-learning videos. However, there are some elements, shown below, that you might find helpful. 

1. Menu: When you click on Menu in the upper left-hand corner, you are able to select which parts you would like to view directly, or you can go through it sequentially. 

2. Transcript: When you click on Transcript in the upper left-hand corner, you are able to view the full transcript for each slide of the lesson.

3. Resources: When you click on Resources in the upper right-hand corner, you are able to click to the links and other content referenced in the lesson. 


Build Environments Documentation

For Docker, iOs and Mac, and Windows supporting documentation, please visit CircleCI documentation here.


iOS Code Signing


In this lesson, we will show you an easy and simple method for automatically code signing your projects during your CircleCI jobs. Concepts covered:

  • Job flow overview
  • Fastlane setup
  • Generating code signing assets
  • Matchfile — app identifier setup
  • Fastfile / Gemfile / X code configuration
  • CircleCI settings
  • Config.yml setup

Course SCORM:




In this lesson, you will learn how to:

  • Setup steps for a Windows project on CircleCI
  • How to create a CircleCI configuration file for a Windows project

Course SCORM:


General Resources:


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