While CircleCI does recommend Velero for backing up your server, the default deployment and Restic Daemon can fail, especially on larger databases. The error looks generic, but can look like the following:
error="pod volume backup failed: error running restic backup, stderr=: signal: killed"
These are some common fixes that can allow your backups to proceed.
Confirm Versions are the Same
To confirm your versions are the same on your CircleCI Server and Local CLI, you can simply run velero version
which will output like the following:
$ velero version
Version: v1.9.1
Git commit: -
Version: v1.9.1
If your Velero versions are not matching, you may need to either change the version of your CLI or your Server version.
Change CLI
To change the CLI version, you will need to download the tar file from the release you want. CircleCI recommends v1.9.1 by following the instructions on Velero's website.
Change Server
To change the server version, and you are upgrading it, you can simply change the image like so:
$ kubectl set image deployment/velero \ velero=velero/velero:v1.9.1 \ --namespace velero $ kubectl set image daemonset/restic \ restic=velero/velero:v1.9.1 \ --namespace velero
If you need to downgrade, you will need to uninstall the Velero Server and reinstall after correcting your CLI version. Velero will match the installation to your CLI version.
Once uninstalled, you can follow our documentation to reinstall Velero.
Edit the CPU/RAM allocated to Velero and Restic
In some cases, simply making sure the CLI and Server versions match is not enough to ensure that the backup completes and you may need to edit the deployment and daemon to allocate more CPU/RAM.
$ kubectl edit deployment/velero -n velero
cpu: "1"
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 128Mi
While the specific numbers may need to be played with for the size of the cluster you are backing up, it is best to 4x these numbers to start.
cpu: "4"
memory: 2048Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 128Mi
$ kubectl edit daemonset/restic -n velero
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
With the same recommendation as Velero, it is best to start with 4x and then go from there till a backup is able to complete.
cpu: "4"
memory: 2048Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 128Mi
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